Sean Sadler, PT, MPT, FAAOMPT
Cert. SMT, Cert. DN, Cert. VRS
PRN physical therapist offering PT coverage on an as-needed basis
Currently serving the Mohave County area of Arizona
Physical Therapy Services
Sean Sadler, PT, MPT, FAAOMPT
Dip. Osteopractic, Cert. SMT, Cert. DN, Cert. VRS
Travel physical therapist offering temporary PT coverage (up to 12 months)
Travel physical therapist offering temporary PT coverage (up to 12 months)
outpatient physical therapy
Evidenced-Based Diagnosis and Treatment
Since becoming a physical therapist, I have evaluated and treated all manner of functional movement disorders, from cervical spine pain to gait abnormalities. In 2019, I completed my fellowship training in manual therapy, receiving my FAAOMPT designation and Diploma in Osteopractic Physical Therapy. As an osteopractic physical therapist, my focus is on utilizing the latest evidence based treatment techniques with emphasis on:
- dry needling (cert. DN–using the Dry Needling Institute’s technique, NOT the Evidence in Motion/Kineticore technique–there is a difference)
- spinal manipulation (cert. SMT through the Spinal Manipulation Institute)
- vestibular rehabilitation (cert. VRS through the American Musculoskeletal Institute)
- neurodynamics (nerve flossing/tensioning)
Inpatient Physical Therapy
From Post-Op Day 1 to Discharge
- Special Care / Intensive Care
- Orthopedic Joint Camp and Post Op
- Medical Inpatient
Home Health physical therapy
Evaluation and Treatment of All Musculoskeletal Impairments
From CVA with profound hemiparesis, to generalized weakness with safety and fall risk concerns, I have been directly involved with home healthcare physical therapy since day 1 of my career.
Low back pain
Using a combination of HVLA Thrust Manipulations and Dry-Needling (electroneedling)
Manual therapy
HVLA Trust Manipulations (spine & extremities)
Dry-Needling (electro-needling in-situ)
Neural Tension Testing (Nerve Tensioning / Glides)
IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization)
Vestibular Therapy
Certification through the American Musculoskeletal Institute
What I Can Do For You

HVLA Thrust Manipulations
Highly Proficient in High Velocity Low Amplitude (Grade 5) Thrust Manipulations

Nerve Glides

Low Back Pain
My Plans of Care are Evidence-Based and Highly Effective, utilizing a combination of HVLA thrust manipulations and dry-needling

Certified in electroneedling through the Dry Needling Institute. I do not piston the needle, but rather insert and wind to provoke an immune response

Vestibular Rehab

Highly proficient in Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
Integrity and Professionalism
Don’t Go Without Coverage Again
- I will indeed be there, and on time
- I will complete my obligation
- The level of care I provide to your patients will absolutely reflect positively on your organization